Many parts make up the body of your Mercedes-Benz vehicle. Your fenders are among the most obvious, and essential. Also known as quarter panels, they run from your bumpers to your doors, at both the front and the rear of your car, SUV, or van.
Their role is simple. They frame the wheel wells, protecting structural body components and the wheels from water, mud, and road debris that your tires collect and toss away as you travel down the road. They’re also designed to bear the impact from a collision, while also enhancing your ride’s aerodynamic performance of the buy Mercedes Benz fenders online
Modern fenders are most likely to be made from polyurethane and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic instead of the punishing, heavy steel of yesteryear. That makes it easier to both shape them into unique shapes and present those shapes in standout colors. However, that also leaves them more prone to cracking, denting, and potential corrosion. Since that puts your vehicle’s structural integrity at risk, you’ll want to replace them as soon as you see signs of damage.
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